Free 10 minute Grounding & Reconnection Visualization

This standing meditation/visualisation has been designed with the purpose of grounding, balancing, and ‘plugging you back in’ energetically by drawing on the energies of the environment around us. This technique is inspired by Dr. Due Morter’s Central Channel breathing exercise, and is is a fantastic tool for energizing yourself. Enjoy! Subscribe to my newsletter to …

How to Achieve Healthy Balance? And the Truth about Stress

Balance. The quality that we all want to embody, but which often seems elusive. How does one achieve healthy balance in life, and what does it mean to stay balanced? I get this question often and so I thought to dedicate a blog post to this topic. There is no one recipe to balance because …

Free 10 Minute Energizing Meditation

This seated visualisation meditation is a great tool if you need to recharge yourself and if you feel in need of boosting certain qualities within you, such as energy, personal confidence, trust, joy, peace, courage etc. Enjoy! Subscribe to my newsletter to be alerted when a new free resource is posted!

10 Signs That You Are Unhealthily Stressed

If you are curious to know the signs that you may unhealthily stressed, then read on. Some of the points may surprise you! (Feel free to check out my other articles 5 Tools to Reduce the Effects of Stress Now, 10 Brilliant Reasons to do Yoga, and for tips to improve that life-giving ability to …

Free 10 Minute Sun & Earth Healing Meditation

This meditation has been designed as a nourishing and restorative healing meditation, drawing on the natural resources around us. The meditation is best done lying on the back, and can be used any time you wish to relax, recharge your system or in conjunction with yoga Savasana. Enjoy! Subscribe to my newsletter to be alerted …

Free 10 minute Relaxing Body Scan

This 10 minute Relaxing Body Scan can be used any time you wish to relax, if you have trouble releasing muscle tension, if you wish to increase body awareness, want to feel more grounded, or in conjunction with a yoga practice as part of yoga Savasana. You will be lying down for this meditation. Enjoy! …

The Real Reason You Lack Mobility and Flexibility

The gloves are off – it’s time to speak some uncomfortable truths about modern living’s impact on the average persons physical wellbeing. The good news is – you can do something about it. Let me tell you how. The movements required to get through a standard day in the 21st century are shockingly few and …

Restoring Health: One-Size Does Not Fit All

We may look fairly similar to each other on the outside of our bodies and, to a degree, we look fairly similar on the inside of our bodies. However, how we experience this world and how we function in it, can vary greatly from individual to individual. Our temperament, past experiences, tolerance to stress, energy …

It’s Time We Talk About Spirituality in Health Care

When we experience physical pain or discomfort we usually think that something is wrong in our bodies. Yet, physical discomfort can be stemming from many sources other than the physical body. But because the body is so much easier to relate to, our natural inclination goes towards the body as being the origin of the …

The Power of Peace

It is 5:45am on an island in warm Croatia, and I walk barefooted down the stone steps of my simple yoga hotel, down on to the concrete pier by the water’s edge. The rooster crows as the sunrise, still hiding behind the mountains, slowly lights up the sky, moments before the rays burst out from …

The Yoga Teacher Burnout

Doesn’t quite sound right? Well, the burnt out yoga teacher is more common than you think. One of the main problems is that not many within the community are prepared to speak openly about it. Packed studios, crammed schedules and an excessive focus on high intensity yoga asana (the physical poses of yoga) are very …

The Downside of Busy

I dream of a life where I am less busy on a daily basis. There, I’ve said it. A life where I am able to put good homemade food on the table without having had to throw it together in a mad rush after a full day at work. A life where (low and behold) …

The Importance of Playtime (for You, not Your Kid)

The work/play Conundrum It’s not really rocket science. Having fun makes life easier and more enjoyable to live. Yet for a lot of people fun and in particular, play, often ends up an extracurricular activity saved for the weekends, secondary to work. Or worse, perhaps not even at all. The common phrase ‘work first, play …

10 Brilliant Reasons To Do Yoga

1. Oxygenation. You will learn valuable, life-changing breathing techniques (Pranayama) which can nothing less than transform your well being (For more about breathing check out my blog post The Power of Breathing). 2. Longevity: strength, flexibility and balance constitute the 3 markers for optimal physical health and longevity. Yoga benefits all 3 of these aspects.

5 Tools to Reduce The Effects of Stress Now

When the body and mind experience stress, a whole cascade of physiological, neurological and hormonal processes take place at a deeper level. Using the stress management tools below can facilitate vital shifts in your physiology, moving your system into a calmer and more sustainable state. 1. Nose Breathing Direct your breathing through your nose instead …