How to Achieve Healthy Balance? And the Truth about Stress

Balance. The quality that we all want to embody, but which often seems elusive. How does one achieve healthy balance in life, and what does it mean to stay balanced? I get this question often and so I thought to dedicate a blog post to this topic. There is no one recipe to balance because …

The Downside of Busy

I dream of a life where I am less busy on a daily basis. There, I’ve said it. A life where I am able to put good homemade food on the table without having had to throw it together in a mad rush after a full day at work. A life where (low and behold) …

The Importance of Playtime (for You, not Your Kid)

The work/play Conundrum It’s not really rocket science. Having fun makes life easier and more enjoyable to live. Yet for a lot of people fun and in particular, play, often ends up an extracurricular activity saved for the weekends, secondary to work. Or worse, perhaps not even at all. The common phrase ‘work first, play …