It’s Time We Talk About Spirituality in Health Care

When we experience physical pain or discomfort we usually think that something is wrong in our bodies. Yet, physical discomfort can be stemming from many sources other than the physical body. But because the body is so much easier to relate to, our natural inclination goes towards the body as being the origin of the …

Drowning in Health?

We have never had better or faster access to information on health (or anything else for that matter) than we do now. Magazines, the TV entertainment screen at the doctor’s office, Instagram, Facebook, the news, endless blogs & vlogs and the ever-infinite World Wide Web – the sources seem as varying in quality as they …

How To Deal With Injuries – The Natural Way

How do we deal to and overcome injury? Now this could easily be a post with physio advise about training intervals, activating the core and moving well bio-mechanically.  And these things do help, don’t get me wrong. However, practicing as a clinical physiotherapist for 10 years has given me a rather different perspective on this …