10 Brilliant Reasons To Do Yoga

1. Oxygenation. You will learn valuable, life-changing breathing techniques (Pranayama) which can nothing less than transform your well being

(For more about breathing check out my blog post The Power of Breathing).

2. Longevity: strength, flexibility and balance constitute the 3 markers for optimal physical health and longevity. Yoga benefits all 3 of these aspects.

3. Physical skill: The physical practice of yoga exercises moves the body in more varied ways than many exercise forms, creating better quality movement programs in our heads, increasing coordination and reducing the chances of injury.

(Check out my blog post There is Also Beauty in the Doing.)

4. Awareness. In yoga we learn to cultivate presence and a sense of awareness. When we stop to appreciate the ‘now’ we realize just how rich each moment can be. Once you try eating a meal calmly and in silence, you will be surprised how satisfying and flavorsome the food suddenly becomes – without changing the food, only by changing your awareness of it.

5. Mental hygiene. The skill of concentration. To detach from the turmoil of our thoughts, to observe situations more neutrally, and become more in tune with our essential Self, increases feelings of inner peace while lessening feelings of pain and suffering.

(Check out my blog post The Power of Peace.)

6. Holism. Yoga is a holistic practice combining multiple areas of health, such as mind, body, spirit, emotions etc. leaving us feeling more ‘whole’ after the practice, as opposed to just when we just move our physical body.

7. Self-insight. In yoga we are met with ourselves. We learn to see things more as they are, and not how we wish them to be, making it easier to accept ourselves and work with ourselves from where ever we are.

8. Equanimity. Observing life without judgment can seem unnatural, yet according to the great Buddhists of our time the act of not judging occurrences in life as being either good or bad, but simply seeing them as ‘occurrences’ is one of the keys to emotional and mental freedom. This detachment from drama helps to generate feelings of inner peace and contentment.

9. Fun. Yoga is fun! One of the great aspects of yoga is that it is a practice that acknowledges the importance of playfulness and exploration, both in the studio and in life in general.

(You may wish to read The Importance of Playtime (for You, not Your Kid))

10. Discipline. Self discipline and humility. As long as we live we are students in some way. The journey is continuous – and yoga teaches us to approach life with a smile on your face, and be okay with comes!

Happy health everyone!

Kirsten Louise